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Colourful shells :

Colourful shells
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

I bought a gameboy advance and needed something that provides good protection in case I drop it with my butter fingers. And when I was shopping at spotlight I picked this yarn that is pure cotton and 4 times thicker than usual yarn i use. The effect i get felt like carpet and I can feel the bumps cos of the shell stitch i used. Aigner also commented it looks like carpet. Oh well, I'm glad my game set feels safe inside. No scratches and no dents. ;)


Crochet & knitting was one of the tacit knowledge passed down from my mom and I am still on a journey to create new things and incorporate other handicraft techiniques in my work. Family, friends, music, Cable TV, baking, cooking, photography and my teddy bear are the inspiration for me to pursue the ideal in continuing my journey. And as you can see these are my favourite things.