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Mini colourful shells :

Mini colourful shells
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

This yarn came in mixed colours and the result you'll see patches of blue, pink, yellow and green. It's nice cos you can't get this effect if you were to mix the colours yourself. I remember the time when this pouch was made, iPod became increasingly popular and everyone wants one. My classmate who has bought an iPod mini asked me to make this drawstring pouch or it. But in the end she used it as a handphone pouch I guess.


Crochet & knitting was one of the tacit knowledge passed down from my mom and I am still on a journey to create new things and incorporate other handicraft techiniques in my work. Family, friends, music, Cable TV, baking, cooking, photography and my teddy bear are the inspiration for me to pursue the ideal in continuing my journey. And as you can see these are my favourite things.