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The Oriental :

The Oriental
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

This was a gift for a foreign friend who loves black and had a newly bought handphone. I thought he will like this design since he came from a country of rich asian culture. To match this theme I sewn an embroidered satin with oriental design as the lining. I also don't want it to look tacky so a contempory button is attached to it. This pouch can also be reversed for a different look, do click on the thumbnail below for better view. The size fits a Nokia 6280.

The Oriental- Reversed


baby daisy in roses garden :

baby daisy in roses garden
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

A friend wanted something sweet for his girlfriend's birthday present and of course it can't get any sweeter if her favourite cartoon character is in it. And so I searched online for a baby daisy picture then embroidered it on a white fabric after seeking his approval on the look. Then I attached the embroidered piece on the pink crochet fabric and finished it with a suede string in peach colour. It's petite and really cute. The dimensions are 5cm by 8 cm.


Jiamin :

puffy "J"
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

"It's time to make something for myself!", I thought. And so I picked up some black yarn and started making something pure black. To brighten it up I made my initial "J" into a button and puff it up by stuffing some sponge. The top side of the "J" is in pink, while the bottom in lilac, cos I couldn't decide which colour I prefer. This will be the new "home" for my sony ericsson, measures 10cm by 6 cm.


Dora's mom :

funky pink & initial "m"
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

My dear friend dora saw my new products and asked for something for her mom. The usual colours I used were too matte for her and so she picked a bright strawberry pink to contrast with a black initial "M" button. You can see clearly for this piece how a "diamond stitch" shows up on the pink surface. The tiny holes appear much clearer because of the black lining attached inside. One cool piece I really liked.


Coin pouch :

coin pouch
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

I had no idea what to do with the silver fitting, at first. Then I flipped the old japanese books on crochet from my mom's collection. So I started trying out a flower petals pattern and found it matches well with the metal fitting. And tada, a coin pouch done and added to my possession.


Hello kitty! :

hello kitty!
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

My friend sent me a hello kitty picture and wanted to have it on her pouch. As u can see I used long stitches for the embroidery and I'm afraid my friend will have to be really gentle with it since it is rather fragile. Much later I learned more embroidery techniques and learnt how to fill kitty's face using other types of filling stiches instead of long stitches.


Mini colourful shells :

Mini colourful shells
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

This yarn came in mixed colours and the result you'll see patches of blue, pink, yellow and green. It's nice cos you can't get this effect if you were to mix the colours yourself. I remember the time when this pouch was made, iPod became increasingly popular and everyone wants one. My classmate who has bought an iPod mini asked me to make this drawstring pouch or it. But in the end she used it as a handphone pouch I guess.


Colourful shells :

Colourful shells
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

I bought a gameboy advance and needed something that provides good protection in case I drop it with my butter fingers. And when I was shopping at spotlight I picked this yarn that is pure cotton and 4 times thicker than usual yarn i use. The effect i get felt like carpet and I can feel the bumps cos of the shell stitch i used. Aigner also commented it looks like carpet. Oh well, I'm glad my game set feels safe inside. No scratches and no dents. ;)


An Irish inspiration :

an Irish inspiration
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

The yarn was really delicate and thin and the fabric that came out wasn't what I really wanted. I wanted good protection for my canon ixus camera, meaning it has to be relatively thick! So I decided to double the layers and finish it with an irish lace dainty look. I'm glad it came out so well.


My Precious Moments :

My Precious Moments
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

Rachael loves precious moments. And of cos her handphone pouch must include the dolls! I did sense she was a little sceptical about this art work at first, but I'm glad I didn't let her down. This small piece of embroidery took me quite some time since its really detailed work. But all the efforts were worth it cos it felt nice and looked damn good too! Rachael did worry that the white layer might get dirty. No worries! Just soak the pouch in a lightly soaped cold water, rub the dirty areas light with your hands and this should remove slight stains.


Purse of diamonds :

Purse of diamonds
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

Dad was saying his oakley sunglasses does not have a decent pouch. So for his birthday I made this pouch with diamond stitchs for it. Wrapped it nicely in a gift wrap and left it on his working table. I took a few peeps but it was left on the table untouched for a few days. Although I was a little disappointed but I could understand it was the busiest period in his work. So one weekend I pestered him to open it. My dad was cute, he looked confused and said: "ooh it's nice but what is it for??" I giggled and fiddled with his original pouch and placed it in the new one.


Lace purse :

lace purse
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

This period of time I explored beads and accessories making with two friends. One of them often paid for the materials and left me feeling quite embarrassed. So when her birthday was nearing I made her a dainty lace purse.


Roses & picots :

Roses & picots
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

Acrylic yarn in mixed colours.
Size..: 5x9 cm
Crochet Pattern..: little roses & convoluted irish lace


Snap it on! :

Snap it on!
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

Acrylic yarn in mixed colours.
Size..: 4x15 cm
Crochet Pattern..: granite stitch
..;' with silver snapped button


Dark brown Initial "J" :

dark brown nitial "J"
Originally uploaded by rikamaets.

Cotton yarn in dark brown.
Size..: 11.5x 7cm
Crochet Pattern..: clusters stitch


Crochet & knitting was one of the tacit knowledge passed down from my mom and I am still on a journey to create new things and incorporate other handicraft techiniques in my work. Family, friends, music, Cable TV, baking, cooking, photography and my teddy bear are the inspiration for me to pursue the ideal in continuing my journey. And as you can see these are my favourite things.